Friday, September 22, 2006

Voices of the Ring: Henry "Discombobulating" Jones!

In the final installment of the series, I talk to the one and only Henry "Discombobulating" Jones. In this segment, Jones explained how he came up with his unique nickname.

this is an audio post - click to play


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! *I had coffee coming out of my nose when he went into the explanation/Cosell bit!* (LOL!)

Hey, I dig this guy even more now! Thanks for answering the question guys! LOL...

Anonymous said...

In all seriousness, this was a truly great interview, and one that I found a bit inspirational. Obviously - Mr.Jones is a very gifted individual. This is a no-brainer. And even though I'm an Irish-Italian with a Slovokian last name (I told Angelo Dundee once that this helped get me free parking in some counties, and he loved it!) I can oddly enough relate to some of what Mr.Jones said. Kudos on a couple of superb back-to-back interviews with Wilson and Jones, Gary.

* Sidenote - Regretfully...I DO know what it's like to be "discombobulated" in the ring! (It was an almost permanent state!) I was always stepping in so many postholes - they finally just handed me a shovel and told me to go out back!

Gary Digital Williams said...

Thanks a lot, Cruiser!

Most appreciated!!

Anonymous said...

Henry Jones follow your dream's. Nobdy said it would be easy. And. Henry I. Head what TOO SHARP did for you hoy great was that is TOOSHARP really that good I heard he told you when he become world champ he got you. How big was that here you are on ESPN and when the pro said no he made it happen.We need more people like that

Anonymous said...

henry im back what are you doing now still telling joe and gary stories but i must tell you,the cruiserweight love you he must cant fight either

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I praying for him. Praying for him to get his butt kicked!

Anonymous said...

Henry i just like to have fun i know you are the best in the area.You are the best in this area.I just like to get people amp up. how can you not like a pearson who say he is praying for you.Thank you people.PS why i didn't see you at the fights THURSDAY don't say because the rain