Sunday, June 01, 2014

Rivera Knocks Out Barnett In Ninth; Barnett Loss Leads To Embarrassing Aftermath!

Cosme "Chino" Rivera stunned the crowd in the Washington Convention Center by scoring a devastating ninth-round knockout over Ty Barnett.  The aftermath of the loss was the most embarrassing moment I have witnessed in 30 years of covering Beltway Boxing.

First, let's talk about the bout itself.  For the most part, Barnett was in control of the contest, landed good jabs and mixing body shots in.  Barnett used strong ring generalship through the early parts of the contest. 

Rivera came back in the fifth and landed a solid right hand across the face of Barnett.  Blood flowed from Barnett's mouth.

In the sixth and seventh rounds, Barnett moved in with body shots that were effective.  However, Rivera landed another solid right hand that did some damage to the cut mouth of Barnett.  In the eighth, Rivera pressed his attack and had his best round of the night until the ninth round.  As the two men threw simultaneous right hands, Rivera's got there first and knocked Rivera stiff and out.  Referee Michelle Myers counted to 10 and the bout was over at 2:52.

Then, the foolishness began as a stupid "fan" dove in the ring and attacked Rivera.  Security and EMTs subdued him but the incident turned what was a solid night of boxing into an absolute embarrassment.

I'll have more to say on this later this weekend.


  1. typo-Barnett was knocked out cold.

  2. Snitch got was coming!

    1. What did he snitch about?

  3. Let me tell you something ty took this guy light point blank off record alone...And he paid for it his opponent saw ty weakness and exposed him.Train as if everyone is out to kill you and fight ss if this is your last night i learned this most recent...However I hope ty is ok and like Gary said come on now people acting a fool all because he loss it's boxing.

  4. I agree with McCombs perfectly said ty is a Bum just like Jeter

  5. Ty is not a good person , and he got knocked out and that's the end of him,so what can he do,

  6. After hearing from Gary "Digital" Williams throughout the night during the fights I had the impression that it was another great night of boxing in the Beltway Boxing area. However, after midnight his final call to me after the card was over put a damper on the good news on how the card was going. Hearing the news that Barnett was knocked out wasn't the bad news because that's part of the sport, but hearing that a "fan" jumped into the ring and attacked Barnett's opponent was just the most outrageous thing that could happen for the Beltway Boxing Community. Yes I've heard of it happening before in other areas, but we don't need it here. Beltway Boxing isn't just for the boxers. It's for the fans also. When that person jumped into the ring and assaulted Ty's opponent it put the stereotype back on the people that live in the DMV area. We've had such a good boxing atmosphere since boxing began to shine again at the end of 2011-2014 and I pray that this one incident doesn't effect or trickle down through the future of boxing in our area.

  7. Not a fan his dumb ass brother now they are going to get sued Ty is a good guy and things happen but you can't fight the guy that Knockout your brother come on what's this the WWE

  8. These comments are alarming and insensitive. Their will always be a winner and looser in the sport of boxing.The personal attacks on Mr. Barnette are invalid and hold no substance. Why wish ill will on Top Flight Productions? They are doing something positive (which is more than what a lot of you are) and bringing in revenue. The DC Convention Center Security team is at fault for anyone jumping in the ring. Folks act like they get paid to "hate". How about you reach out to Ty instead of wishing the worst on em...

  9. Now you got a 100 suckas running around showing everybody the knock out on their cell phones. Ty might be called a Snitch in Maryland but you have no proof about that bullshit. They could just be jealous. The guy was just trying to mack an honest buck. He will get a re-match and he will once again be back on top of the lieght-weights.

  10. It was really sad to see what happened last night. Two great fighters put up a great show. One got the better of the other. Ty is a great guy and a great fighter fighting out of Dc. Cosme used his experience and got the better of Ty. Let's stand by Ty and wish him all the best for the future. And not trash talk. Its a sport and at the end of the day boxing is the "winner". Fans need to be more civilized and not attack the opponent. Any one who wants to trash talk....get in the ring.

  11. This Ty Barnett and anyone who knows me know I don't play that snitch shit whoever that's is that made that comment reveal yourself because you'll never see any paperwork with my name on it about snitching and that's fact I live by what I stand for ~Ty Barnett~

  12. @CL Ty never hides you see me out I'm everywhere not ducking anyone

  13. Bro C. Wise-elSunday, June 01, 2014

    ty this is Bro C Wise-el don't let those false comments get too u Moor, people hate a winner and that is real talk, in life anyone knows that their are levels of understanding that God reveals too u that only that that changes is change. Things happen do the next right thing so it doesn't get like this again Moor and u should and will be good. Islam

  14. HAte a winner? Who? Canvas back?! Nigga was doin the Harlem shake horizontal style nigga!!! lMfao!

  15. All this ignorance is just pure crazy if you ask me now how can you blame barnett for others actions that is not is fault at all.. Yes I do say too flight could have done a way better job but they are just starting and everybody mess up.. Now this is the sport if boxing and tu got hit with a punch that cause him to hit the canvas ok that's the sport and I do say that Ty looked 1000 times better this fight then he has looked in a long time so Ty keep up the good work and do not let this or the ignorance of littlie minded people stop you young brother

  16. the dummies that jumped in the ring was Ty brother and sister

  17. Ty looked good last night just got caught best he looked since he left head banger gym take some time off and get back in the gym

  18. Bubble capriceSunday, June 01, 2014

    Yup he looked grat. Way too go champ. Pppffffffhahaha

  19. Better step your corner game up Ty. Can just put jokers in the corner to hand you a water bottle. You're not taking the game serious if you are putting anybody in your corner.

  20. Should have never turned on Headbangers. They would have protected him.

  21. Did the DC boxing commission approve security? I thought commissions had to approve promoter's security for a pro boxing show.

  22. Boxing is a one on one sport. Your team jumping in like that made y'all look like a bunch of girls.

  23. I want to say thank you for all the people who showed the world DC Boxing is about exciting fights. Yes there was an incident that hung a cloud over the night, but I want to share something that I just learned and watched.

    About 8 minutes after the chaos ensued one of Ty's cornerman came over and hugged Rivera and congratulated him. Then escorted him to Ty's corner for an embrace that two warriors share after a great fight. Complete class on both guys behalf despite the tension in the air. A symbol of what the true warrior code is all about and only a tiny % understand. Both of them guys gave that effort and mentality to produce a GREAT fight. They both should be commended for that and not besmirched.

    Lets not loose sight of the fact it was a great night of boxing.

  24. I saw the same thing that Brian just mentioned. Ty and his cornerman were pure class in the aftermath of the fight.

  25. Are you going to post that video anywhere....would love to see it

  26. Hats off to the EMTs who pulled the crazy fan off the boxer!! No excuse for a fan to do something like upset to see such a thing happen in professional boxing. This is not the street.....that fan should never be aloud to come back ever!!!!

  27. Someone post the video

  28. Interesting story about the EMT just as an aside. They were featured in an incident in Baltimore the last time WWE Raw was there. They had to protect Daniel Bryan who was on a stretcher after being attacked by Kane. That was a work but it may have prepared them for what happened Saturday night.

  29. Remember Ty first got ko when he was with headbangers so how was they going to protect him they have they own problems with Lamont getting ko by mythessa and ant by rios

  30. And Remo just had a draw

  31. No corner men or trainer could have stopped what took place with Ty it was a lucky punch could have happen too any fighter

  32. Hold up that's a serious bone to put out there is there paperwork to prove this statement?

  33. I was there for the fight. It was a really sad ending to a great fight. What is crazy is that I'm pretty sure the animal that jumped Rivera got away into the crowd which had started converging on the ring. Security had to hold them all back.

  34. A Ty this Baker don't let these dudes stunt ur growth continue doing u slim.

  35. I'm not sure who to blame for the raucous that erupted after Saturday nights fight. What I do know is that I am a retired MPD Narcotics officer and was involved in the prosecution of Rayful Edmond Jr. The only way an individual is able to identify an informant(snitch)is if he, himself is a snitch. Be careful of those who walk around pointing the finger at others.

  36. While he sat in the interrogation room singing like I bird, I mouthed a simple reminder to him through the glass... "snitches get stitches!"

  37. Snitching Blog is about a part of our criminal system that most people know little or nothing about: criminal informants, or snitches. At any given moment, thousands of informants are trying to work off their own criminal liability by giving information to the government. These informants may be in court, in prison, on the street, or in the workplace. Police and prosecutors often rely heavily on information obtained from snitches--especially in drug enforcement but also in white collar crime, organized crime, and terrorism investigations. In fact, it is impossible to fully understand the U.S. legal system without understanding snitching. Nevertheless, there is very little public information available about this important public policy. That's where Snitching Blog comes in.

  38. I paid my debt to society for every crime I was prosecuted for in prison and parole everything and any trouble I been in is on record no codefendants and my name has never been spoken or said in the same sentence as snitch and if it even happens it would be me as the victim of one of you cowards ratting on me

  39. If I know a snitch imma call him out in his face and produce the paperwork. Why don't whoever on here spreading the rumors call Ty out in his face or identify yourself or let it be known what he snitched about

  40. Hey Ty, Rivera said you was a snitch. Now what you gonna do to him?

  41. Sources told me that after the 8th round Rivera 's corner told him that Ty was a snitch so Rivera put that right hand on Ty in the 9th

  42. Gotta be some bamma ass MD jokers on here hating cause the city love TY

  43. Ty Barnett vs Emmanuel Taylor

  44. Looks like Taylor has Karim Mayfield in July.

  45. No commission will allow Ty to ever fight again.

  46. Mark E. Ortega ‏@MarkEOrtega · 9h
    Video of the BRUTAL KNOCKOUT of gatekeeper Ty Barnett by veteran journeyman Cosme Rivera has emerged: via @MrBrannin

  47. Barnett vs Jargal

  48. Barnett Vs Hugh Hinds

  49. OMG TY Barnett Fight

  50. Team Barnett owes an apology to team Rivera.

  51. Barnett aint member what even happen.

  52. You cowards I'd rather be dead before I snitch ~Ty Barnett~

  53. Mr Barnett
    you don't owe these people the time of day much less having to prove you didn't tell on anybody.

    Someone who knows

  54. I'm looking on the net I want to see the knock out,

  55. If cheese got a bubble caprice he a broke nigga lol

  56. Mike mike a Internet gangsta

  57. If I was Ty I would focus on promoting. .getting that money..having nice cards..lay low from the main event life for a while. ..get your hustle on, promote some amateur shows too..give back to the community
