Sunday, June 01, 2014

Post-Fight Wrap-Up From DC!

Here is the BATB Post-Fight Wrap-Up from Saturday night's card at the Convention Center.  I will have more to say about what took place after the card later this weekend.  But I start my rant on this podcast.


  1. Entire card will be available to watch on tomorrow morning aprox: 11:00. You will see Barnett on canvas unaware of his surroundings and you will also see the cowardly Barnett fan tackle the Mexican.

  2. Fight has photos of it all on its website now.

  3. People need to go light on Ty. He did at least make an attempt at a sport that he obviously was not cut out for. He is some-what a dante cat, but he had the heart to get in the square circle with a tough Mexican. How many of us would try a sport that the odds were against us??? He climbed in that ring knowing that he could possible be embarrassed at home. Yet he took the chance. How many of us are broke but still do not take chances like him. Give him credit for trying.

  4. It would have been funny if Rivera would have cold cocked that crazy dudes ass!

    Reminds me of a situation I saw at a pro wrestling match at The Roanoke Civic Center in the late 70's early 80's. It was a tag team match between Ric Flair and Greg Valentine against Roddy Piper and Blackjack Mulligan. They had these big wooden fences separating the ringside area from the first row. Greg Valentine had his back to the fence and a fan picked it up and slammed it in his back. The police came over and got all over the dude hard. The girl that was with him got up in the cops face and they took her down too. At the same time Roddy Piper was in the center of the ring and a fan jumped over the gate and went in the ring to try to get to Piper. And Piper laid that dude out with one shot and knocked that guy out cold! King of like how Barnett got knocked out. That would have been awesome if Rivera put that dude on his ass like that!


  6. This Youtube video is NOT what took place Saturday night. This is Barnett's loss to Mercito Gesta in August of 2012.

    I don't understand, other than the similarity of the result, what the connection between the two bouts but I will leave it up for those who want to see it.
