Monday, June 23, 2014

'Anonymous' Leaves The Blog For The Time Being!

It has become too much.  The hatred, the backbiting.  Just too many gutless wonders who have so much to say to put down our Beltway Boxers yet don't have the guts to put their names behind what they say.

Therefore, on what may..or may a temporary basis, I am getting rid of the anonymous posts on this blog.  For the forseeable future, you will have to register to comment on posts on this blog.  This will force you to put your name behind what you say.

If you don't have the guts to do that, than you are not the fan we want on this blog anyway.


  1. Amen Gary may God watch over you. All of these negative comments on this site is bad for your business and the state of batb period. Also, is their way that the computer can show the email address that the negative comments come from? No hiding now

  2. Thank you Gary, I bet from now on if anyone from the DMV looses you won't have but 6 comments....

  3. Thanks Gary, I was sick of the ignorance from these cowards, I bet from now on if anyone from the DMV looses your posts won't have but 6 comments

  4. That's good stuff Gary I don't understand why some many people hate like dat

  5. That's great the "anonymous" wall has been taken down for now. Now the area will see how many people will post real boxing comments (good or bad) without being negative. It's nothing wrong with giving your view of a fight or fighter. It's called constructive criticism.
