Saturday, March 20, 2010

James Stevenson-George Rivera is now in the ring.


  1. Jeter better stay out of the ring with cujo. Lookin at jeters win to loss ratio, I think it would be more of a challenge stealing candy from a baby...please tony, don't fight cujo for your moms sake

  2. Oh yea jeter this is juice. U know the one that u tucked tail and ran from at the burns arena. Biaaatch

  3. if you cant beat a no-talent bum
    like cujo you have no business being in a boxing ring. cujo has
    zero boxing skill, having people pay to watch him fight is a disgrace to boxing.

  4. where is the burns arena?

  5. how does looking at jeters win loss record indicate its like taking candy from a baby he actually now has the same record as cujo

  6. Yea maybe so but go to and see who he's fought vs cujo and you'll see tony jeter has not fought any one worth two shitz. ...Juice

  7. Oh yea and by the way I'm talkin about jeters aponents win to loss ratio......Juice

  8. That goes for most fighters in this
    part of the country, pad there records against bums, virginia is one
    of the worst! Weak boxers, weak commission, fighters with no future except maybe getting k.o.d by a big name opponent

  9. Oh so I see jeter dosnt want nun of cujo.......Juice

  10. juice was there last night is he selling vhs tapes for $50 still y why was he chasing tony

  11. That's right jeter don't want none of the juuuiiiccce

  12. Why was juice chasin tony? This is JUICE and I do not have any amatuer fights I won 2 rough and rowdy brawls. But I know that don't mean shit to tony so, I have a debut comin up and I would love for u "TONY JETER" to be the cherry.....JUICE

  13. you want to pop tony's cherry?

  14. LMAO @ rough rowdy brawls. You have got to be kidding me how old are you. Do you know anything about boxing? First of all nobody is going to sanction a bout between and 8-2 pro with over 100 amatuer fights with a guy with 2 street fights

  15. this is juice and i don't care if he has 100 fights i want to fight him i love cujo im in love with cujo he is great he has the nicest ass i have ever seen

  16. WOW over 100 amateur fights, were they all hand picked like his pathetic pro career
